So what the hell is this new Tapezilla feature all about?
Well it’s simple. One TZ host will select another host and post a picture of some cash (hopefully $20 to keep it interesting). The second TZ host then gets to tell the guy with the cash what he HAS to spend it on. But here’s where you come in — the second host will gather suggestions from @tapezilla followers for about an hour before finally deciding what to make the first guy spend his cash on. Hey, we might even cough up a Steam game or something for the follower whose suggestion is used. Confused? Here’s a quick example…
1. RJ and @tapezilla announce that we’re ready to Blow Our Wad.
2. RJ posts a picture of a $20 bill and chooses Stevie as his trusted buddy.
3. Stevie gathers DOZENS of suggestions from @tapezilla‘s followers about what he should make RJ buy.
4. Stevie decides to go with a user suggestion of “Heroes and Heroines: Japanese Video Game + Animation Illustration”.
5. RJ never talks to Stevie again.
And that’s that. So follow @tapezilla and the guys to get prepared… it’s gonna be huge.